Pineapple, also known as pineapple (south). Pineapple contains many nutrients that are beneficial to health. In addition, the bromelain in pineapple has many healing properties, such as:
Characteristics of Pineapple Plants
The scientific name of pineapple is Ananas sativa Liun. (Pineapple). It belongs to the bromeliad family.
Pineapple tree. The leaves are star-shaped, long and hard, with thorns on the edges.
When the plant matures, a stem about 10-40 cm long grows from that cluster of leaves, with a flower and a small bunch of leaves at the end. Flowers are regular and hermaphroditic. Each flower grows in a matrix of purple bracts.
Three small green sepals, three larger purple petals, 6 stamens arranged in 2 rings. Cucurbits are reduced to 3 cells, each containing 2 rows of inverted ovules.
berry. The edible part, commonly known as “pineapple”, is actually a shaft formed by the combination of fleshy mosaic leaves and leaves, and the fruit is actually the pulp in the eyes of a pineapple.
Pineapples are native to Central America and are grown today in most tropical countries. In my country, the pineapple planting industry is also very developed, mainly for consumption and export.
Pineapple is also a source of raw materials for extracting bromelain. Ours also uses its stem medicinally, harvested in the spring and usually only fresh.
Chemical composition of pineapple: 90% of pineapple is water. In addition, pineapple also contains protein, organic acids, carbohydrates, cellulose, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP and vitamin C.
2. The use of bromelain in pineapple
The bromelain in pineapple has many healing properties.
Bromelain is present in various parts of the pineapple plant (stem, leaves, fruit), mainly concentrated in the pineapple stem (the white core of the stem), where the content is 8-20 times higher in the fruit. Pineapples contain more bromelain than pineapples. Bromelain is a temperature-regulated proteolytic enzyme.
Bromelain has been used to treat digestive disorders of the stomach and intestines since 1963. At pH 3.3, bromelain acts as pepsin and at pH 6 as trypsin. In the case of acidosis, bromelain is still effective.
Bromelain has the effect of inhibiting inflammatory processes, reducing edema and hematoma.
Bromelain applied to wounds or burns destroys dead tissue and heals scars quickly.
The combination of bromelain with the anesthetic sodium pentobarbital increased the duration of anesthesia, while the combination with theophylline and ephedrine enhanced the anti-asthmatic and bronchitis effects of these drugs.
The food industry also uses bromelain to tenderize meat, and the effect of bromelain is stronger than papain of papaya.
In addition, bromelain is also used in the sauce processing industry to promote protein hydrolysis.
Medicinal value of pineapple
Pineapple juice is very good for health.
In addition to being used in food, pineapple has also become a raw material for the extraction of bromelain, which is used in many industries and medicines.
People also use pineapple root as a diuretic to treat dysuria and urolithiasis.
The juice of pineapple leaves and unripe fruit is a laxative (may cause miscarriage).
Young leaves are used to treat fever.
Fried or mashed pineapple peel 20-30 grams a day, drink water.
While pineapple has many uses for health and disease, here are a few things to keep in mind when using pineapple:
– Don’t eat too much, as pineapple can cause mouth burning and weight gain, as pineapple is high in sugar and contains a lot of energy, especially in people who are overweight, obese, and diabetic.
People with peptic ulcers should avoid eating large amounts of pineapples because pineapples contain high amounts of organic acids and some enzymes that increase inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract.
Pregnant women should avoid eating pineapple as it can increase uterine contractions and lead to miscarriage.
– Avoid eating pineapple on an empty stomach as it can cause abdominal pain, nausea, hangovers…