Summer is one of the hunters in Amazon’s Crucible. She is able to use your fiery attacks as much as she wants unless she gets overheated which prevents her from using them momentarily. In this guide, we will give you an overview of all you need to know about how to play as Summer, her abilities, and the best upgrades you should unlock first in Amazon’s Crucible.

Amazon’s Crucible Summer

Using Summer’s abilities in the game generates heat and fills her heat gauge. If this gauge gets to full, Summer gets overheated and is unable to use any more abilities. This is something that you will need to consider when trying to main her.

Summer Abilities

The following is an overview of all the abilities that Summer has in Amazon’s Crucible:


FireballSummer hurls a long-ranged fireball that explodes upon impact.
Firepulse ThrustersSummer leaps into the air and moves forward.
FlamethrowersSimilar to Rumble from LoL, Summer fires flamespitters in a cone that continues to deal damage.
Ignition SparkA small blast that knocks both Summer and targets back.
Magma SpiralCreates a circular flaming magma.


Summer Upgrades

In this section of the guide, we will walk you through all the upgrades that you can get for Summer:


Flame ProjectorsIncreases the range of Flamethrower by +50%.
Refinery BlastTargets hit by Flamethrower drop essence.
Thruster PounceDrop on top of a target during Firepulse Thrusters to damage and knock target back.
AcetyleneWith the heat gauge above 50%, Flamethrower deals +40% increased damage.
Incendiary ShotFireballs leave behind a burning AoE that lasts for 4 seconds.
Magma SwarmMagma Spiral gets additional +20% damage and creates more flames.
Tuned Spark CoilsIgnition Spark deflects incoming projectiles and increases the knockback effect by +50%.
Cooldown ProtocolDecreases the time it takes Summer to recover from overheat.
Goes to ElevenIncreases the heat threshold to 275 from 225.
Ready to Rock!Melee attacks deals 40 damage and additional 40 damage over time.

These are all the ability upgrades that Summer can unlock in Amazon’s Crucible. Now let us take a look at the best upgrades that you should getting first. Please note that these are our recommendations and you should always go for what you think works the best for you.

  • Level 1: Flame Projectors, Refinery Blast, Thruster Pounce
  • Level 2: Acetylene Torch
  • Level 3: Incendiary Shot, Magma Swarm, Tuned Spark Coils
  • Level 4: Cooldown Protocol
  • Level 5: Goes to Eleven, Ready to Rock!

This is all we have got in our Amazon’s Crucible Summer Hunter guide.


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